Posts by parishoffice
Adult Sunday Discussion Group
An adult discussion group is meeting at St. Paul’s following the Sunday morning service (9:45 AM). This informal group uses the Wired Word curriculum ( that seeks to present scriptural insights in the context of current events.
Parish Newsletter for May-June 2021
Parish Newsletter for July-August 2020
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross (video)
Zoom Church
Hello! I miss you all. Here is an opportunity to see each other’s faces and be the church for each other. It lasts 30-40 minutes. First, please download the Zoom Client on your device. This could be anything from phone to tablet to laptop to home computer. Find out how you would like to use it. Most people have cameras in…
March 15 Sunday Services Cancelled
Following Bishop Humphrey’s recommendation, services are cancelled for Sunday, March 15 at both Rader and St. Paul’s. Please see for more information.