Hello! I miss you all. Here is an opportunity to see each other’s faces and be the church for each other. It lasts 30-40 minutes.
First, please download the Zoom Client on your device. This could be anything from phone to tablet to laptop to home computer. Find out how you would like to use it. Most people have cameras in phone and PC.
You can download the Zoom client in advance of the meeting here:
But you may also join by phone with no picture. Let me know how it goes. I am still learning and would like the feedback. For me, it makes me feel less isolated. Click on the link under Join. If not, go to the website and type in the meeting ID. Either way will connect us.
There is a brief video about using Zoom here:
Contact tvilleparish@gmail.com for the meeting link.
Thank you for trying out the technology. If you know somebody who would like to be added, send their email or give me a call. I look forward to seeing you and some of you two or three of you!
And in any case, grace and peace be with you.
Pastor Angela